Hair Restoration with PRP
PRP Hair Restoration is one of today’s most promising, non-invasive cosmetic surgery procedures offered at Inside Beauty. By stimulating hair growth and restoring thick, luscious volume, PRP hair restoration has helped thousands of our patients find their youth.
How it works:
A team of highly trained experts will carefully draw samples of blood and separate out the the red blood cells from the plasma. The plasma, which is rich in platelet fragments, is injected into the scalp to stimulate hair growth by individually extending the growth phase of each hair cell.
Our PRP hair restoration is meticulous, with individually made injections throughout the scalp, approximately every half inch.
With our highly trained team of experts, patients who choose PRP Hair Restoration will be carefully tended to each and every step of the way. At Inside Beauty, we take tremendous pride in our life-changing results. PRP is an extremely safe, quick and easy way to give you the hair you have always dreamed without the burden of surgery.
Call Inside Beauty’s office to schedule a consultation and learn more about our PRP Hair Restoration.